Friday, 20 November 2015

Segregation activity for fiction and nonfiction.

What is fiction and what is non fiction? Ask the kids of my class and they will cite multiple examples with justifications...:)) amazing isn't it ? We did various activities for the understanding of the concept and one of them was the segregation of pictures as real or imaginary. Take a look..... Children enjoyed it thoroughly and so did I :)

Friday, 6 November 2015

Sharing with you Smokeless Cooking moments :)


The tiny tots of KG1 are not just cooking stories in their ongoing UOI on stories but also cooking yum sandwiches .... smokeless cooking - yes !!; I was absolutely taken aback to see the kidos assembling ingredients so well and presenting them beautifully too! It was indeed a competition.... Sharing the result with you all :

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!

1. Reyansh Gupta
2. Chaitree Kundra
3. Ansh Goel and Niyamat Bhaskar

High Five to you and Kudos to mums for doing the spade work. Your children have duuunnnnn itttt!!!